What we believe #2: Kevin Tran
There are certain core values that make us, us. They help to form the principles that guide everything we do: our True North. More than that, though, they are what we believe would guide any organisation to be the kind of place where people would love to work. And you can’t really ask for much more than that.
2. Adventure requires courage.
There's an iconic scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indiana Jones is sprinting to escape a giant boulder hurtling toward him and, at the last moment, he blindly leaps out of an opening and narrowly escapes being crushed alive.
For me, this scene epitomises adventure. And every great adventure requires courage. Not just the courage to jump into the unknown, but also the courage to move from where you are. In real life, there’s fairly seldom the imminent threat of a giant boulder of death to force us to move from the safest and most comfortable place to be: right where we are.
Shifting out of your comfort zone, opening yourself up to uncertainty and to the many challenges that come with learning (and unlearning) the things needed to move you along the path, that’s where the courage comes in.
It's this spirit of adventure that I love about our business and our people. We feel we've built something really great, and we could happily bathe in our piña coladas and call it a day. But that’s where the trouble starts: when you stop taking the same kind of risks that the crazy-fast-evolving real estate landscape is taking every day. We simply can't stand still. We have to keep picking fights with boulders. (And maybe, one day, escape this Indiana Jones analogy.)
Sure, the path forward is hardly crystal clear. Sure, most of us will suffer some bumps and bruises along the way. But once you accept that you can't simply stay where you are, taking that leap forward isn't nearly as scary.
We absolutely believe that a better home buying and selling experience is within our reach. And, unlike Doctor Jones, we're not just one person. We're a team of courageous adventurers committed to help guide you home.
Yours in adventure,
Kevin Tran
Vice President Sales