The Homeseekers: #1 Alana Lemckert
The truth is that real estate isn’t easy or simple. But these journeys home are some of life's greatest adventures. These are the stories of some of our own CREW's real estate adventures, filled with the challenges and rewards that come when you cross uncharted waters.
A Promise for Batman
Thirteen years ago, I gave my solemn oath to my dog.
“Batman,” I promised. “One day I will buy you a home with a yard so you can spend your days pursuing your life’s purpose.”
To be clear, Batman’s purpose is rolling on the lawn and sunbathing. Five years later, I made the same promise to a tiny little rescue Chihuahua I adopted and promptly named Falcor. She has since become the official (unofficial) office mascot.
As we moved into an incredibly uncertain 2020, it seemed that I could at last fulfil my promise to them both. After all, one does not want to ever let Batman down. It was incredibly exciting. I contacted my mortgage broker for pre-approval and started searching on REW. To my amazement, there were townhomes within my budget that met my criteria.
One small problem, though: I wouldn’t have the money for a down payment until I received my tax return. And just like that, everything was on hold till spring 2021.
Pictured: Falcor (left) & Batman (right)
I kept looking and dreaming, constantly scrolling through REW. Spring finally arrived and I was ready - but it wasn’t the same market. Everything I had been looking at had gone up. All I kept hearing from colleagues was that multiple offers were everywhere and that everyone was over-asking.
I can remember now how daunting it felt. I was a first-time buyer with a very tight budget, and it’s not like I had someone to fall back on to help fill a financial gap. When they say that real estate isn’t for the faint of heart, they’re not joking.
I looked at multiple townhomes (one of which I had an inspection done on and was told to run as fast and far as I could). I switched my criteria to condos, and came to the sad conclusion that I would have to compromise on the yard and settle for a deck.
“Settle” is such an awful word when you’re talking about the biggest purchase of your life.
It takes guts.
They say that when you walk into the home that is meant to be yours, you just know. You feel it in your gut. But I had given up looking. There was nothing out there that was right for me, a furry superhero and a tiny Luck Dragon-slash-chihuahua.
Then a condo was listed.
Two bed, two bath, two dogs allowed (very rare for Strata) and what looked to be a small yard. I booked the first open house appointment available and off I went. When we opened the door, I gasped. This was my home. It wasn’t just a tiny patch of grass, it was an actual yard!
I immediately had my buyer’s agent submit a bully offer - no subjects (you have to take a leap of faith in this current market). The offer was rejected. Now I had to decide if I wanted to submit my offer with everyone else. Duh. The fact that mine was now one of nine offers nearly made me pass out. I waited. And waited. And waited. For four, endless hours. Then the phone rang. They countered. But oh was I prepared for this battle. I hit them back with the last $5,000 I had in the entire universe.
I had just bought Batman and Falcor a backyard. With a side of condo.
Every adventure is different. But they all end in the same way.
The long and short of it is that this journey is different for everyone. It isn’t easy. It’s hardly ever what you expect it to be. But it is always worth it. I promise.
My absolute dream home was not the home I thought it would be.
It was the home it was meant to be.
Alana Lemckert
National Sales Manager - Agent Sales